“They are the generation and leaders of today, don’t push them out during church services and church functions, give them space to watch, observe and enjoy the function. This will make them love God.” Bishop Baluku says

“They are the generation and leaders of today, don’t push them out during church services and church functions, give them space to watch, observe and enjoy the function. This will make them love God.” Bishop Baluku says
Reminds me of my childhood whenever there’s a function at the cathedral we’d be pushed off seats yet we had made the best ministry presentation haha.
Blessings dear Bishop.
The only way can secure the future of the church,nation and family, is to care for the children physically, socially and spiritually. Let’s value children, they have a lot to offer, God used children and continues to use them.Dont be the tomentor of the child.Get rid of all destiny destroyers
The for children build a a strong foundation for their faith, Thank our Bishop for that immeasurable love