They were received in a very colorful ceremony on Saturday December 16th, 2023 at the St. Paul’s Cathedral in Kasese Town.
The Bishop Emeritus Zebedee K. Masereka who was the first Bishop of South Rwenzori Diocese while preaching to the congregants that had gathered to witness the elevation of God’s Servants to different levels in the Anglican Church asked the ministers to live an Ordinary lifestyle that would help them serve the Lord’s flock diligently.
He asked them to portray the life of Jesus in their ways; care, generosity and considerate and prioritize the people they serve.
The Rt. Rev. Nason Baluku encouraged all Church Ministers to further their studies to match with the current trend of church ministers.
The Eighteen (18) church servants attached to South Rwenzori Diocese that were elevated to different Holy orders include 04 Ordinands that were elevated to Deaconate, 10 Deacons to Priesthood and the 04 Reverands to the level of Canons among others.